Asbestos - Good vs Bad,
Asbestos - Good vs Bad,
Maybe just the technology is so useful that we are willing to live with the problems at the cost. You know asbestos right? After building thousands of schools in USA in 60s and using asbestos in every single one of them, they discovered that the workers who were putting in the asbestos were getting a cancer. Asbestos, unburnable fabric foam stuff and dries. So what did they do?
They decided that asbestos was bad. I don’t want my daughter going to school with this stuff. Asbestos usually sits in the walls. This is a drop ceiling. So asbestos. I guess this falls in the category of tech. But this was great – this was a great new technology you pumped it in with a hose. It went all over everything and it dried and it stuck there. White stuff. And it really it doesn’t burn. You know the Apollo’s capsule? I mean its really good. It doesn’t burn. It flakes away. So then they put it in all the schools.
Everything burns.
[Tomer asks a stupid question]
You know baby’s diapers? Yes I do.
So what did they do? They decided to remove all the asbestos. [Stares at someone]
Get it? I love WIKI.
Wiki is the power of the internet. How do they make money?
I don’t know how they make money.
So they uh pull out all the asbestos, all the money that school raised in taxes to pay teachers n books n etc. they spent that money removing the asbestos, downside – the school is not now fire protected. The guys who are paid to remove the asbestos also get lung cancer. The old asbestos gets really powdery.
You know how hot it is? You know how tempting it is to pull that thing off?
[Tomer asks another stupid question]
Abstract to a young person. Care about being alive. I don’t get it. I went to family reunion and my parents smoked as older teenagers college around that 18-20 around that time smoke and then they quit right. And then my generation me and my brothers and their husbands and wives none of them smoked. But their children – many of them do. The next generation they got used to it. I am saying maybe in the 70s the impact of this knowledge that smoking causes cancer had more power than it does now. 20 cigs or 40 cigs a day for 20 years = cancer.
Lung damage. Tobacco is an addiction. Asbestos probably caused quite a few lung cancers but on the other hand I am sure it saved a lot of schools from burning down. It saved a lot more lives than it took.
[Tomer’s question - Why should it take lives in the first place?]
Let’s make the general rules of engagement here. If I say something and if it catches your imagination or you step into it but still relevant. You owe it to me to raise your hand and share it with me. If it doesn’t qualify for that then don’t talk to your friends and talk to them. If it’s not important don’t tune out of the conversation.
Moving back to the pluses and minuses of technology. Going back to the elections.
The date on that video was on December 12. As the guy in the video said, we can manipulate the whole thing. You have to watch the video. No 2004. What electronics should give to us I feel is fast estimates. Fast good estimates of results. They shouldn’t be the bottom line. The bottom line should be paper. Its crazy that paper is our best solution. You need something simple something very low-tech. each paper then it’s a matter of guarding the pieces of paper. You can use tech to speed things along but in the end you need something solid. Something real physical to protect yourself. The benefit of it is that the more you can prove its easier to get the losers to admit that they lost. If you can show them the process is not really disputable. If you have software running touch screen and if you lose by 5 votes, its really hard for the losers to accept that. So its to the advantage of actually winners to have this strong way. That’s the conclusion you should draw. Politicians have to prove it all the time. Honest politicians didn’t trust the people. So if I was a politician that entered because I’m trying to make the government more honest who says to me how do we know that you really won? Instead of saying it to the person – how unpatriotic you are to question your govt. I am glad you asked that because I’d like to demonstrate you to how I won. Much active participation.