Friday, September 01, 2006

Life of Paper

Paper - uses.

Record stuff write stuff. Write books draw.Paper!!

Paper is thousands of years old. Paper comes from papyrus. So ink? Right. Unless they invented All right so? They have been using paper for thousands of years. Then think about the life of a piece of paper. Lets go back 50 or 60 years. Then somebody was working in a company and someone places an order so you make 2 copies of it to make in the afternoon and you send it out to the delivery guy and the delivery guy and he gets paid for it.

He signs both pieces of paper and customers get both pieces of copy and you take that paper back to the office. And you put it in a folder of a company who bought it. And put that in a file cabinet.

Customers stop being your customers and files are not relevant anymore. Market failure. You decide that it might have some value some record of what we sold and how much. You take that Maybe its useful for a day and the rest of its life which could be years and years in storage. It’s like what modern hard disk or cd-roms storage device. Pretty cool. Used it for thousands of years so if you keep it out of the sun. Gets yellow but doesn’t really matter because you can still read it. So what eventually kills paper?

The courthouse burned down and asbestos wasn’t discovered for 30 more years so certificate was burned up and she thought she was a years younger. How did she figure it out? There were other pieces of paper that didn’t catch fire and the 1899 and 1909 census.

The bible says it – the first book ever written. That’s all the monks did write the bible.

So now how is paper used today? Cycle first of all the rough draft are much done on the computers and then you get your finalized copy and print if out and then use it. So the actual amount of time you are even working with the paper is reduced from couple of hours or even less. The use is less. And after the paper is used it can be disposed of. Because we have a digital copy. And that means the paper is main use was a record and it has completely gone away.

Dhruv: Toilet paper is storage.
Martens: It is not.
Harsh: What, What?
Martens: “What’s funny, did I miss it again.?”


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